Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm Soaping Tonight!

And I've got to tell you something.... a customer challenged me to step out of my comfort zone with a special order.  It was an order for cupcakes....

First, she wanted the fragrance to be very strong.  I usually just use the amount suggested by the fragrance supplier.  But, thanks to the advice of a very nice soaper (thanks!!) I was able to get more scent into the soap!  So far so good.... I'll know for sure tomorrow when I unmold the cupcakes.  But, for now they seem to be setting up and gelling just fine!

Next, she wanted lots of colors and lots of decorations on the cupcakes.  The bottom of the cupcake is several different bright and cheerful colors.  For the top, I piped on soap "icing" that swirled several different colors as it went onto the cupcake.  I've done this before with regular cake icing, but this was the first time I've done this with soap!   Then, my daughter applied some cute decorative candies and I sprinkled with pink sugar crystals, diamond glitter and silver glitter!  WOW! You ought to see these cupcakes!  They are absolutely awesome.  I am very happy with them and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will be just as pretty tomorrow when I unmold them.  If so, I will take some pics and post here on my blog for everyone to see.

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