Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Listing More Soaps Today :-)

I have a few soaps that I need to list... actually, 8 more!  Wow!  So today is going to be a busy day getting photos of them taken and getting them listed on Etsy.  That is what is #1 to do on my list this morning bright & early while everyone else is still asleep.

Then I have 2 orders to get packaged up to mail :-)  People are beginning to see me on Etsy and are buying Christmas gifts.  So, I've got to make sure to keep my store stocked.

I have another special request order that I'm working on too.  It's for a possible order out of the States and I've never shipped out of the States before.  So this will be a first for me.  It will probably mean a visit to talk to the lady at the window at the local post office just to make sure that I get everything correct.

And, today I have lots more fragrance oils arriving!  I'm super excited about that because that means MORE SOAPS!    Then tomorrow, another shipment of fragrance oils will be arriving with a shipment of oils and other supplies.  I had to get stocked up on oils so I could soap all of these new fragrances :-)

I am "planning ahead" for the upcoming holidays - past Christmas.  Where I live, after New Years Eve, we have Mardi Gras that starts.  So one fragrance that I'm planning on soaping will be "Mardi Gras".  I am still in the "planning" mode because I want to make sure that when I soap it, it will be extravagant and exciting!  Mardi Gras colors are green, purple and gold -- loud and in your face LOL  Also, there are plenty of beads and feathers, moonpies and masks.  And we can't forget the fleur de lis.  So, this will probably be a busy soap too LOL   That's a bit much to incorporate into one soap!   Oh, and I can't forget the King's Cake with the little baby inside either.  With all of that, I might have at least 2 different soaps to make LOL

After Mardi Gras is Valentine's Day.  Usually, right after Christmas is over the retailers start putting out the Valentine's Day products!  So, I need to plan to make sure that I have those soaps ready for Valentine gift giving around the 1st part of January.

Well, I have plenty to do today.  Also, look for some un-soap items on my Etsy today :-)   I will be listing some items that I love to make in addition to soaps.  I have some beautiful Christmas ornaments to list and also a Christmas treasure box. 

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