Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Love & Peace

Hi everyone!  Just wanted to post a few updates....

The first thing - I don't like M&P mixed with CP soap as "embeds".  Well, maybe I don't like it because I like to have my CP go through the "gel stage" where it heats up and saponification occurs.  This is when the lye is reacting with the oils to make soap and heat is generated.  Well, for M&P soap embeds in the middle of the soap loaf, they ....melt.... right?  LOL  So, while I love love love the look of this soap as a loaf, I do not like the inside that much so I'll be making some changes to it when I make the next batch.

But, here's some pics of the outside of the soap (don't you just LOVE the colors?):

The only think I would change with the top of the loaf is to add yellow as the embeds in the "frosting" instead of red.  I think a bright yellow would really show up good.... maybe even yellow, green and purple embeds that are small flowers?

Now, do realize that the pics didn't turn out very well on the slices (which didn't help them and they needed all the help they could get LOL).  The red turned out kind of orange in the 2nd pic:

But the scent in this soap is really really good.... so I'm going to list it in my Etsy shop even though it's not that pretty LOL  I'll put a good price on it and customers can get a really good deal on a very large bar of soap :-)

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